do what?
what you can.

Below are the links to resources where you can learn more about the cause and help by signing petitions and donating to Black Lives Matter, human rights issue in Papua and people who are affected by COVID-19.Klik tautan di bawah untuk laman berbahasa indonesia:


You can start by not saying the N word if you're not Black, if you don't know what that means or think it won't affect anyone please read this.This is why All Lives Matter can't happen before Black Lives Matter as explained by Billie Eillish in simpler language.Click the button bellow to access masterpost on more information and resources (petition and donation links) about Black Lives Matter.

Below is a video from Cut to give you an idea of police brutality in America, titled "Black Parents Explain How to Deal with the Police"

If you're concerned about the protests that are now going on, try watching Trevor Noah's (African American Comedian) video, he explains why there is no right way to protest. Also refer to a Medium article below on truth about riots.

Papua Human Rights Issue

Here is a link to another carrd on everything you need to know about what happened in Papua, as well as petition and donation links.

It's hard to talk about racism in Indonesia, without it being viewed as a provocation, even though racism and human rights issues are something that we always deal but never really talk about in Indonesia.To learn about it, read Hannah Al Rashid's summarize of the discussion with Veronika Koman (lawyer and human rights activist in Papua), Cisco, and Mikael Kudiai (Papuan students who study in Java) here or directly watch the discussion via link below.

Bagi Rata

Help people who are financially affected by COVID-19 with this peer-to-peer wealth distribution tool, you can also enroll as the recipient. Refer to link below:

If you'd like to add more to this page or give a correction, contact me here.UPDATED ON JUNE 2, 2020 AT 18:19